The Basics
My name is Cody Hamshire and I'm an ICP certified skating instructor based out of Bella Vista, AR. I'm married with two wonderful children. Inline skating specifically is a top passion of mine, though I'm interested in skating in all of its forms. Aside from skating, I'm into a wide variety of music, am a fan of anime, love a good renaissance faire, and have been gaming almost as long as I've been walking.
Why I Became a Skating Instructor
After the onset of the pandemic, I was determined to find a way to stay fit and have fun doing it. I wanted something different than the standard options that was both engaging and challenging. It didn't take long for me to find my way back to skating and to see how well fit in our environment thanks to a number of amenities, multi-use trails, etc.
After my return to skating, I realized that as much as I enjoyed the idea focusing on myself as an athlete, I knew that I could do more for the sport. To help more people and to harness my years of experience in corporate training, I decided to officially become a skating instructor and put my educational skills to good work doing what I love.
After I started teaching, I still wasn't satisfied with my work towards building up the skating community. In short, I realized to help spread the most I could train other trainers and get the joy of skating out to the far reaches of the world. Having been certified myself by the Inline Certification Program, I knew they had a platform to just that. I decided to join in their mission so that I help to create more skating instructors and help skating spread much further than I could on my own.
Contributing to The Bigger Picture
I currently serve as an apprentice examiner and eLearning Specialist for the Inline Certification Program International. The ICPI seeks to teach the world to skate by training new skating instructors in 70 countries around the world and providing them with tools and resources to be successful. I'm proud to be part of that mission.